Saturday 1 August 2009

Hub historic release notes

01 August 2008

Hub 1.0.42

NEW: Client export option addresses are comma separated

NEW: Client export option exports Account Mgr, Notes and CreatedDate

NEW: Assigned dropdown shows local/all Account managers depending on the page

NEW: Opportunity Types of Creative and Interactive added


30 June 2008

Hub 1.0.39

NEW: TT #23810 Export Client function exports all fields.

NEW: TT #23860 User notified when assigned a new opportunity.

NEW: Client level filter added on My, Local, All Clients page.

NEW: Revenue dialog visual changes.

NEW: Revenue dialog allows copying of revenue to stations and months/years.

FIX: TT #23850 When creating Prospect from Agency page, the Client field is incorrectly completed.

FIX: TT #23855 My Manager Settings requires TechHUB Manager role to view.

FIX: TT #23856 When creating a diary entry from a Client screen, the Client field is not automatically completed.


01 April 2008

Hub 1.0.37

FIX: FileHub fix when uploading files with close to 50 characters in the filename.

FIX: Ticket page internal changes - reduction in number of updatepanels

FIX: Opportunity pages SQL fixes.

NEW: Holiday end dates match start date on selection.

NEW: Customer radio buttons show number of items in brackets

NEW: Sort drop down list for Customer Tickets

NEW: Reorganisation of menus.

NEW: Tickets link shows own Tickets only

NEW: Prospects link shows own Prospects/Opportunities only.

NEW: SalesHub Revenue - ability to enter up to 12 months revenue at once


29 February 2008

Hub 1.0.36

NEW: TT #23781 Account manager defaults to creator when creating a Client/Agency

NEW: TT #23806 Local Clients, Agencies and Contacts menus

NEW: TT #23810 Client export function.

NEW: TT #23822 Client Filter & search settings are maintained when navigating back.

NEW: Opportunity revenue warning popup if date resides in the past

NEW: Diary Entries no longer require an attendee

NEW: Sales Hub Contact Groups and export function

NEW: Admin Hub user management now shows role descriptions

NEW: Minor button/image location changes

FIX: TT #23812 Agency text cosmetic change

FIX: Shared Diary selection display fix

FIX: Foreign Key Ticket insert email fix.


07 January 2008

Hub 1.0.35

NEW: TT #23696 - Brands and Contacts have Team and Location filtering addition. New reports added.


22 October 2007

Hub 1.0.32

NEW: TT #23696 - Agencies and Clients have Team and Location filtering addition

NEW: TT#23575 - TechHub Ticket history email logging. Editing of history now disallowed.
New Role "TechHubTicketAdmin" allowing editing of history and viewing of history email log.

FIX: TT#23751 - Diary Crash

FIX: TT#23752 - Can't view team prospects

FIX: TT#23753 - Cant click through to clients through agencies page

FIX: Diary daylight savings time 2008 fix


11 October 2007

Hub 1.0.31

FIX: TT#23702 - Target completion date not populated in Firefox

FIX: TT#23703 - Tickets staying open until refresh

FIX: TT#23704 - Firefox <enter> brings up diary

FIX: TT#23743 - Server cannot modify cookies email error, rolemanager AJAX workaround.

FIX: TT#23744 - Blank revenue entry when adding Opportunity details causes error

NEW: Help framework addition

NEW: New Ticket and Prospect role added to limit browsing of all tickets/prospects

NEW: TT#23698 - Add title to Opportunity popup

NEW: TT#23699 - Add proposal status

NEW: TT#23701 - Showing associated clients on Agencies page


10 October 2007

Hub 1.0.30

FIX: Web dll - correction to firefox ajax bug code in linkselector - top window was posted back rather than the parent window

FIX: Add ticket history in firefox = javascript error and no page refresh

FIX: Protocol of some URLS in Hub was hardcoded. If on secure site all urls should now use https.

NEW: Better ajax error message handling - should also email errors

NEW: Autocomplete of customers in all hubs

NEW: Duplicate Contact & Customer checking when adding new.

NEW: Can now attach files to Contracts

NEW: FileHub database changes