Friday 29 January 2016


NEW - Implement JSON REST API for shows, stations and publish queue access.
  • Configure using system settings RESTAPI_HOST (default and RESTAPI_PORT (default 3003).  
  • API endpoint for shows http://host:port/api/shows
  • API endpoint for stations http://host:port/api/stations
  • API endpoint for a list of publish queues http://host:port/api/queues
  • API endpoint to return a single publish queue with contents: http://host:port/api/queues/publishqueueguid
NEW - Twitter lists can now be configured per customer.  
  • Bionics support should configure system setting LISTS_SCREENNAME, LISTS_TOKEN, LISTS_TOKENSECRET
FIX - Install and component compatibility issues for REST API, YouTube API and Twitter API acesss

FIX - Smart geo lookup failing

FIX - Null ref exceptions when sharing media from PB4 client / Virtual Director

FIX - Ingest service failing to stop properly

FIX - Attempting to re-insert same artist info in DB on artist lookups