NEW - On hashtag / mentions page, make whole area clickable to bring up associated messages
NEW - Add optional items dialog for optional codecs/devices in startup
NEW - Favourites feed added to message section
NEW - On air 'preview' function changes, implement next/previous buttons to navigate through message items
NEW - Device display name / character / number option in PB4 (this requires a PB3 upgrade for the appropriate web manager config - v3.3.0.321+ is needed)
NEW - Call log icon for prize winner
FIX - Dialling from PB4 needs to strip spaces out (this causes server issues with PB3 SIP)
FIX - Colours for male and female are reversed
FIX - Photos / images are going missing from the client after 100 items are popped (due to incorrect cache clear mechanism)
FIX - Removing items from the On Air queue using the delete button does not update the yellow colour back to 'read' as it should until client restart or pop/unpop
FIX - Unhandled Exception calling from call log mini-mode
FIX - Call1 and Call2 from Directory window in minimode don't call
FIX - "Last 5" history cleared when switching to minimode
FIX - Adding calls to global directory when none exists causes an error, general improvement to directory visual, indication of selected directory needed, default selection
FIX - Mini mode device types not displayed correctly
FIX - Fix call states popup so items don't have large gaps between them