Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Virtual Director [BETA]

Changes since: Virtual Director

NEW - Add support for @Time.Now place holder in xaml
NEW - Remove now playing artwork from database
NEW - Remove Video Still images from the database.
NEW - CPU Usage improvements.
NEW - Manual On Air transition trigger events
NEW - Add Discogs Invalid Label and Invalid Format settings to global settings

FIX - Physica video files not being deleted.
FIX - Physical video still files not being deleted.
FIX - Recording Timeout and PB4 client warning message fixes.
FIX - Fix graphic upload queue & subscriber notification queue to follow base ProcessQueue pattern in order to prevent unserviced task queue leading to high memory usage.
FIX - Error when checking for duplicate server name
FIX - Fix null reference to Discog label/format exclusion items.
FIX - Playout graphic does not dispay default artwork if track has no valid artwork.
FIX - Fix recording issue. Server to make all decisions as to whether to stop/start a recording based on state.
FIX - Start recording timeout bug. Server thinks recording failed, stream is still recording.