NEW - Implement active directory integration
NEW - Improve Aeta codec, add CodecType.Tieline
NEW - Add .Net 4.7.1 to installer as pre-requisite
FIX - Encryption aspect of install process causes errors during setup and web manager fails after install
FIX - Anywhere DLLs missing from Eagle SIP installer
FIX - Anywhere not connecting to live production cloud server
FIX - No media number when answering call to AsV2 device
FIX - Do not use and temporary port when re-inviting handsets with known a provider endpoint
FIX - Non preferred G711 is removed from SDP offers
FIX - Prevent handset invites containing codecs not supported by provider during phonecall
FIX - PB3 SIP - Direct dial from Linksys/SPA phone fails
FIX - Winners list person.Name if available
FIX - Inspect, compare and pass 'ptime' values in handset reinvites
FIX - Ensure SDP origin is consistent between SDP changes
FIX - Prevent codecs being downgraded with provider SDP after intial codec upgrade
FIX - Double accept (OK) messages being sent on incoming calls answered to handset devices
FIX - Stuck call on handset device after service not available dial failure
FIX - INVITE from SIP provider without SDP not answering correctly
FIX - Web manager not using proxy for anywhere requests