Monday, 26 April 2021

Virtual Director (STABLE/FOX)

Changes since:

NEW - Move preview transcoding to streamer service

NEW - Add option to add default thumbnail to cameras

NEW - Implement TCP Listener for vMix Tally notifications.

NEW - Speechmatics API v2 support

NEW - Move Recording Cache from Memory to Database

NEW - Add extra logging around db backups

NEW - Restore OnCamera Layout

NEW - Add VISCA over IP support

NEW - Add PhoneBox Event Triggers

NEW - Move server NDI discovery to streamer(s)

NEW - Set Max BufferSize for outgoing streamer connections.

NEW - Add hourly average memory usage to log

NEW - Add ability to add a show without having to import from PhoneBOX

NEW - Add ability to rename a studio configuration

NEW - Add ability to delete a studio configuration

NEW - Add info to Wheatstone SLIO trigger page 

NEW - Add logging around time elapsed of file upload and writing.

NEW - Audit Base64 Images on startup and remove orphaned.

NEW - Add ability to select camera number higher than 10

NEW - Add transcription usage display and warnings

FIX - Fix memory leak on file transfer. Remove stream reader and TryGet method

FIX - Convert from Eagle to Fox fixes

FIX - License warnings appear after install

FIX - Copy Config Fix

FIX - New microphone associates with incorrect studio config guid.

FIX - Clean up memory after TryGetChunk method from switcher.

FIX - Improve recovery of recordings if server / streamer is interrupted.

FIX - Recording file allocation and delete fixes

FIX - Delete .srt & .vtt files when purging recordings

FIX - Improve memory usage when transferring files

FIX - Fix audit of Base64 Images on Startup

FIX - Base64 Image Purge must only load 1 image at a time other wise serialisation causes memory exception

FIX - Null reference exception in NotifySwitchersByStudio method.

FIX - Base64Image cache purge is called everytime a branding is refreshed. Should only be called on start up

FIX - Add parameters to wheatstone view. Fix Trigger ViewModel and View

FIX - Copying a studio config doesn't copy SLIO triggers

FIX - Wheatstone reconnection error

FIX - Change Wheatstone SLIO status to match their own descriptions

FIX - Live Wheatstone SLIO view doesn't update

FIX - Wheatstone SLIO source incorrectly shown as offline

FIX - Error on startup causing SLIO mic enables to always start enabled

FIX - Unable to pick SLIO from Wheatstone interface

FIX - XAML Base64 Preview Image id's are not persisted to DB causing new base64 preview images are generated in database on start up.

FIX - Split feature not starting new recording

FIX - Changing a GPIO IPAddress does not change the IPAddress of the trigger.

FIX - Cached recording state not udpdated in time causes recording progress to appear to be post processing whilst transcribing

FIX - Changing a shows transcription state is not reflected in the switcher api 

FIX - Improve feedback of failed transcription jobs and reason why. Allow job to be resubmitted manually

FIX - Subtitle files are always suffixed .srt regardless of type

FIX - Go to video link broken in subscription search results

FIX - Wrong time stamps applied to transcripiton words

FIX - Prevent Media Screen Update when media items are checked.