Tuesday, 20 May 2014

PhoneBOX 4 (Client)

NEW - Popped messages are now draggable to the on air queue

NEW - Add docked view with destinations

NEW - Now that OASIS messages are imported as UTC all times are converted on the client to local time.  IMPORTANT: Ensure that version of OASIS is used to avoid getting wrong times!!

NEW - Email editing

NEW - And handset pane to presenter and classic views

NEW - Add image cropping to new status dialog

NEW - Print on air queue function

NEW - Add callback option to parked calls

NEW - Add logging of .Net 4 framework version from the machine (diagnostic usage)

FIX - Unable to add calls to the on air queue when different lines used on same-show clients

FIX - On air preview should not be possible without item being selected

FIX - Facebook videos keep playing after being closed

FIX - Adding messages with children to the publish queue include children in the viewer

FIX - On-Air queue, preview / Read next not skipping calls corectly

FIX - Presenter view on air queue preview button was not working

FIX - Outbound ringing call on device that isn't in device layhout should show in grey

FIX - Scroll annoyance when using search

FIX - Memory leak on long running clients

FIX - Issues with topic and call state filter on call log

FIX - Cap call log records at 500 to prevent client crashes in the case of suprious call log entry addition

FIX - Seize cleanfeed from destination won't update display until the source is scrolled into view

FIX - Out of memory exception if client is left on reconnection loop

FIX - When ringing out, device number continues to pulse