Wednesday 5 November 2014


NEW - Smart rank feaature added

NEW - Sentiment analyzer improvements made, algorithm now looks at word modifiers and scores more accurately

NEW - Bring likes on Facebook posts back to clients

NEW - Add support to mark items as read (for future PB4 client update)

FIX - CPU usage decreased with various algorithm optimisations

FIX - Analytics request from client start up causing CPU spikes

FIX - Facebook account ID lookup causing no facebook posts

FIX - Tweet replies not capped and duplicated in high volume situations

FIX - Email processor errors

FIX - Retweet original status lookup causing exceptions

FIX - Fatal with inactive FB accounts

FIX - Error after creating new internal note and moving directly to OAQ

FIX - Optimise the storage of noise words in SQL table

FIX - Change email resource warning threshold to 1000 MB

FIX - Network stream for client blocking when overloaded with messages

FIX - Stop Facebook likes count hitting zero when a lookup fails

FIX - Repeated lookups happening to same images on sentiment analyzer