Monday, 26 February 2018


Changes since: OASIS

NEW - 'Voice' ingest implementation for Amazon Echo
NEW - Set default purge setting to be 180 days with an explicit system setting added to the table for visibility in OASIS admin. Settings are MAX_MESSAGETABLEMETHOD=AGE|SIZE & MAX_MESSAGETABLESIZE=180  (days)
NEW - Improvements to Rest Api self-hosting security / authorisation
NEW - Add social media activity and sentiment publish
NEW - Always overwrite config files to ensure binding redirects are deployed

FIX - Improve logging when a Facebook wall reader stops due to token issue
FIX - Twitter lists for followee analysis not always created for some shows
FIX - Assembly manifest definition mismatch during Rest API startup
FIX - Creation of person record by SMS receiver should place NULL in the name field rather than the number
FIX - Validation error message now shown for account saving
FIX - Erroneous use of Account Groups in Account object