Monday, 26 February 2018

PhoneBOX (General)

Changes since: PhoneBOX (General)
NEW - Grace mode licencing following a hardware change, works in conjunction with new "auto license" setting within PB3 web license
NEW - Add show setting to control default message log pause timeout in client
NEW - SDP negotiation to be handled within server
NEW - Add HD indicator to phonecall object
NEW - Prize accumulator
NEW - Winner alerts changes
NEW - PrizeDrawEntryArg to contain prize name and contest name
NEW - Remove Prize Manager 1 from webmanager
NEW - Add ability to see prize winning history directly from a messageNEW - Prize draw entry to contain how it was selected
NEW - Provide better auditing data when looking at draws
NEW - Implement API key approach to allow us to determine whether incoming calls are external and authorised or internal
NEW - Add service registration / availability status to the API
NEW - Changes to support using message text as point on SMS callbacks
NEW - Change default font size for chat text
NEW - Add new self op simple view
NEW - Provide a separate config file for log levels which never overwrites
NEW - Add master machine studio config field which determines which studios are recorded based off currently connected clients
NEW - Remove v3 client
NEW - Add ability for a machine to be configured as a "master machine", signalling which studio/shows are currently in use (for use with MOR/META)
NEW - Allow Skype service to use allocated MOH source
NEW - Configurable system option 'hide sensitive data'
NEW - Add REST API call to get system guid
NEW - Add studio controller for fetching studio configuration
FIX - Ensure Skype TX reads the most recent MSA token from the database at login
FIX - Prevent asymmetrical calls with different media types (SIP)
FIX - Phonebox device API not returning point correctly
FIX - Make sure to Increment Sdp version correctly
FIX - Various Rest Api fixes
FIX - Add Skype To Device layout - Back button "File not found"
FIX - Draw picker qualifiers - fixes fatal when no prizes
FIX - Remove webmanager link to v3 client
FIX - Web manager web service requests need to flag themselves as internal
FIX - Licence count of main and mini services can get swapped when services are added/updated during runtime