NEW - Routing view source list redesign
NEW - Implement Audit logging of user actions
NEW - Allow user to change login of Skype Services
NEW - Restore SMS number masking and link to HideSensitiveData field
NEW - Date picker - add future day picker
NEW - Multi level Skype Device inheritance from appended layouts
NEW - Change visible references to PhoneBOX to BionicSTUDIO
NEW - Support retrieving call recordings from audio servers using host-name or IP address
NEW - Update icon from PhoneBOX to BionicStudio
NEW - Update splash screen to BionicStudio graphic
NEW - Changes relating to line layout groups
NEW - Call screener view - call details colour change to active
NEW - Edit details of a non live call from the On Air Queue
NEW - Add scrolling ability to the screener panel in screener views
FIX - Polling/Voting issues
FIX - Unable to respond to child social media messages such as comments and linked tweets
FIX - Client Updater progress indication mentions old name
FIX - Add line break to splash screen 'connecting to' string
FIX - Unable to respond to certain messages including Messenger, Favourite and Quick Queue Tweets
FIX - Not passing current username to server in Respond parameters required for auditing
FIX - Set focus of text box in Message related popouts such as Respond and Post New Status
FIX - Allow text labels next to images to be clickable in Respond popout
FIX - Unable to respond to child social media messages such as comments and linked tweets
FIX - Client would not start or show a warning if another logged in user was already running the application
FIX - Client Updater progress indication mentions old name
FIX - Directory items not displaying and multiple refresh timers running for each directory
FIX - Client defaults to hand/headset as default device rather than configured default
FIX - Username logged into client PC was still being used when overridden by an AD login
FIX - Skype services in studio based line layouts ignored
FIX - Change Skype Service lines to display the service name and the name of logged in Skype User
FIX - Username logged into client PC was still being used when overridden by an AD login
FIX - Some startup selection choices not correctly saved for the current user
FIX - Improvements to OASIS re-connection routine
FIX - Client will not reconnect after server restart
FIX - Adjust length indicator for Video posts to Twitter to correctly account for YouTube url length
FIX - Message log is blank until you click off and back on
FIX - Crash to desktop changing view
FIX - Remove old VC++ runtime preqrequisite from installer
FIX - Remove oasis disposal splash screen message which masks config or other valid messages
FIX - Dual name, switch fields to match order
FIX - Floating Call Log in a docked view is missing corner resizing icon
FIX - Display problem with name in call log in Surname Firstname mode
FIX - Warn user if no accounts to make status post
FIX - Panasonic HE2 camera send Start command to wake up Camera.
FIX - Improvements to OASIS re-connection routine
FIX - On air tag grouping expands all groups when adding new items to a single-expanded group
FIX - Crash to desktop when clicking + to add poll
FIX - Handset 'call details' option causes view/views without a callog to produce black tab
FIX - tempAudio folder not purged
FIX - Ensure the client does not start minimised
FIX - Remove unwanted log entries
FIX - Black call log header when remote dropping parked skype calls
FIX - Call screener - Dropping a parked loses the call button from call details
FIX - Tags are not included when being printed from the OAQ
FIX - Skype directory/dialpad not appearing in certain circumstances
FIX - Debounce requests to search skype directory
FIX - Questions not appearing reliably on new calls in call screener view